Solent Therapeutic Services
Child and adolescent therapy for young people who have experienced abuse and trauma
Child therapy for families, foster carers and adoption agencies in the New Forest, Southampton Hampshire and surrounding Dorset area. Our practice is based on many years of successful interventions between parent or carer, child and therapist. Specialising in abuse and trauma, the process begins with the therapist establishing a warm, trusting and friendly relationship. Our Therapists specialise in helping children who have.........

Suffered sexual abuse and domestic violence
Experienced neglect, physical and emotional abuse
Been affected by bereavement, bullying or divorce
Struggled with fostering, adoption, attachment difficulties
Exhibited sexually inappropriate behaviour
Counselling and therapy techniques with proven results that make a difference.
Play Therapy is an effective approach for individual children who have experienced an upsetting event. Parent or carer are regularly updated and progress discussed. Theraplay and DDP are attachment based therapies, which take place between child, parent and therapist and can be particularly useful for fostered and adopted children or birth families, where there has been a difficulty in the family.
Play Therapy

Play Therapy uses play as a communication tool enabling children who often do not have words to speak about their experiences to begin to make sense of them in a non-threatening and natural way.

Theraplay works with the child and parent/carer in the room to promote the attachment bond and positively build upon the realtionship using fun, play based activities.

Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy - This therapy works with the child and parent/carer to develop their relationship and the parent’s ability to really listen to and understand their child’s experiences.